Selasa, 19 Januari 2016

Mbah Lindu legendary and oldest gudeg sellers in Yogyakarta

Every morning Setyo Utomo or better known as Mbah Lindu, a red pickup truck driven from his home in Klebengan, Sleman, to sell 'gudeg' place in Sosrowijayan Street, right in front of the alley II Sosrowijayan Wetan. Mbah Lindu usually sell at 5 am to 10 pm.

Before selling around Jalan Sosrowijayan, Mbah Lindu was selling around Jalan Kaliurang. Even he admitted was selling foot.

"Mbiyen pisanan dodolan ora neng kene, Iseh neng cedak omah, Jalan Kaliurang (before the first sale is not here, still near the house, around Jalan Kaliurang)," Mbah Lindu recalled recently.

Mbah Lindu already selling 'gudeg', since decades ago. Even before the Japanese occupation.

"Dodolan Seko era penny-senan Iseh money (selling since the time of the currency is still cents)," said Mbah Lindu while serving customers.

Although Mbah Lindu claimed to have been selling before the Japanese occupation, but when asked the age she claimed was 97 years old. No wonder, since time immemorial there has been no birth certificate, so that Mbah Lindu was only given blindly.

Mbah Lindu managed to raise and educate their five children from the sale gudeg.

"Yo sukur, Seko dodolan 'gudeg', iso mentaske boys nganti iso dadi uwong (yes sukur, the results could finance gudeg selling children to succeed)," said grandmother 15 grandchildren.

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Source :
Editor : ListLiburan

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