Rabu, 20 Januari 2016

Danger! Do not waste your Boarding Pass or postings on Social media

Before or after traveling by plane, to keep in mind is that you should keep the good passport and boarding pass (tickets) you. Because you realize boarding pass save all your personal data and not a useless piece of paper after you make the flight.

Reporting from Elite Readers, there are many people who are so eager to do a vacation or a trip away then showed off their boarding pass via postings on social media. Not a few who then discard boarding pass because it was already no longer needed after a flight. Many think piece boarding pass not only contains important information starting from the name of the passenger, airline number, your destination, seat number, and number of entrances. After flying, many people throw or shoot boarding pass then post them to social media.
But do you know if a boarding pass this should keep you well preserved even after you have finished flying. MengapaE A forensic expert named Winston Krone said if the barcode printed on your boarding pass contains all personal information yourself, such as your full name, home address, email address, and even your telephone number.
This has become the target of hackers to extract information even your finances. After knowing this truth, you now have to be more careful with your personal data that can be searched through the boarding pass. All these unwanted things can happen at any time if yours censored bar code using a bar code reader application. Instantly all your personal data can be used as the target of criminal acts ranging from hackers to thieves.
Make sure you always keep a good boarding pass either before or after a flight. Or if you want to throw it sure to tear off part of its bar code and make sure it was completely destroyed so nobody can misuse it.Again, do not exhibit or post photos of your boarding pass to the social media.

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Source : merdeka.comEditor : ListLiburan

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